Sunday, May 4, 2014

Looking back at Lance Thrust

Lance Thrust do you guys remember him? Well neither do I! Let's move on! Even though I don't find him very interesting, I shall blog about this match anyway. Lance was an attractive guy but I don't really think he had much else going for him. Apparently he has appeared elsewhere and has even done adult film work. We have such similar careers don't we? No disrespect to porn stars out there but I prefer to do my adult video work with my fiancee. If you wanna be gang banged more power bottom to you! What was I saying? What is this blog about again? He seems like he was kind of a flash in the pan. He sort of was around for a match or two and just seemed to vanish. I honestly have no idea if he is still with UCW? I just don't really much like the guy. Like I said he is very attractive and has an awesome body. I just don't think there is any substance to him. He's a good looker but has no personality or charisma. Let's discuss how my encounter with him came about. Keep reading here because things get juicy towards the end.

I have pale skin and reddish brown hair that is large in part to my Irish background. Had a great grandmother move to the US from Ireland. The rest of my ancestors came from either England, Scotland, and I believe some in France.  Seriously though I am proud of my background and wanted to work that into wrestling. I came up with a concept of doing a match in kilts. I pitched the idea and issued an open challenge to the UCW locker room. Lance was the one who accepted my challenge. Lance already tried some mind games as he switched my kilt and hat out for a skirt and a tiara. Did he really think that was going to irritate me? I mean they don't call me the image of deception for no reason! I was going to play that shit up and use it to my advantage.

Axel introduced the match to the fans, because Axel needs to be in everything for some reason or another. I swear he dislikes when attention is not on him! The match itself actually went very well. I was surprised with Lance's skill level and our chemistry was spot on. This was also the first match I felt developed as a wrestler. I felt that I had some impressive moves and my skill was starting to show. I also feel that I carried a majority of this match. Not to sound like I have a high ego but I think I made him look much better than he was. That is what being flawless is all about! You guys will have to watch the match to see the end result.

It wasn't the last I saw of Mr Thrust. When our match was done he was following me around like a lost puppy. I found it all to be very strange. I stay respectful but sort of like to keep to myself.

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