I can't believe that I am making an announcement that I'm being part of a photo book that is being released. I worked with a photographer last year while doing some wrestling work in Florida. The shoot was fantastic and he was one of the easiest photographers to work with. The book is called MASCULINE BEAUTY and can be purchased online. There is also going to be an exhibit taking place in the Fort Lauderdale area in April. I am looking into the details. I won't be able to attend the exhibit on such short notice, but if any of you are in that area I suggest going. This blog is going to basically be about why I enjoy doing photo shoots and why I like doing things on my own.
I never really ever wanted to get into modeling as any type of a career. To be 100% I think that is the biggest mistake anyone could make. It is really a lot of stress and by the time you reach 30 your career is pretty much over. That being said I do enjoy going on photo shoots and becoming a part of art. I think that is what separates a model from an artist. I am very picky about the type of shoots I will do and who I will work with. I have decided to do any type of modeling work freelance. I have had an opportunity with an agency in the past and that just wasn't for me. I had this one agency signed model try to discredit me and some of the photographers I've worked with. I've worked with some amazing photographers and all the shoots. I mean really their work speaks for itself. I've gotten by using my networking skills. Hence I don't need an agency to find my version of success. The guy that was trash talking me I'm thrilled that douchebag got signed to an agency. He's been quite successful with his agency and that's great. However I don't want the lifestyle he has. I'm beyond fine doing stuff on my own and making my own successes, because I have wrestling and other things to fall back on. Where as he doesn't have anything else to fall back on. The guy has no talent outside of his looks and isn't capable of having a real job and depends on his husband.
I am probably sounding hypocritical in some ways. I assure you that is not the intention of this blog. Why would I want to make myself look stupid? I never got into doing photo shoots to become the next big thing. I know I have an interesting look and it will appeal to certain people and some photographers will want that uniqueness for their portfolios. That is the great thing about my look. I don't really fit into a niche. That's great for freelance work and quite horrible for agency standards.
This is where it is really going to sound hypocritical. I got into doing photo shoots to just feel good about myself. It was never about making money. I have been lucky to make money along the way but a few years ago I put on quite a bit of weight. I was just so disgusted with myself and wanted to make a change. I worked hard to make a change and I lost a good 40 pounds. I loved the way my body looked and for the first time in my life I was just happy with myself. I was working my day job and got approached to do a photo shoot. That shoot was free but after that I was able to start landing some paid work and get other photographers interested in me. All of this eventually led to me landing a photo shoot while I was down in Florida for wrestling. Having one of those photos used for the book came as a surprise. Enough of my babbling. This blog wasn't my most exciting but let's be real. Would you waste the time reading it if I just linked the book?
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