Friday, February 17, 2017

The Flawless Image of Deception - My upcoming autobiography

I am thrilled to share with you guys that I am currently working on an autobiography. A lot of you already knew this if you follow me on social media platforms. This is a very exciting project for me and I can't wait to share my story with you. I'll tell you why I chose to take on this project.

I feel that I have a compelling story to tell......
There are various aspects of my wrestling career that have a lot of unknown backstory but that is not all there is. There will be a big part of the book focused on my wrestling career. This will range from my earliest days of training, to my debut match in the indy scene, to my time with UCW, to life before and after wrestling. I tell some interesting stories throughout my entertainment career as well as my personal life. You will see another side of me.

It is honest and unfiltered.....
This is where you will learn the real story! I get very raw and give you a real look into my world and my thoughts on different happenings in my life. You'll learn that there have been some obstacles I have had to overcome, and some honest thoughts about some people that I used to be on good terms
with but you'll learn the real reasons I lost respect for them. 

Now feels like the right time for this.I've had a wonderful career and an incredible journey in life. I'm at a point of my life where I've accomplished more than I ever thought I could. I've exceeded every expectation I've ever set for myself and then some. I feel like I'm in a transitional phase of life. With that transition I feel like now is just a good time to get my story out there. 


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