Monday, April 16, 2018

Some questions about the book answered

Hello Hello! It feels like it has been a hot minute since I have done any kind of blog entry. If you haven't already heard my book, "The Flawless Image of Deception" is out now on AMAZON! This is my first official memoir. This took me a little over a year and a half to complete and in that time I was getting a lot of questions. I decided to answer some of the most common ones. Link to where you can purchase is on the bottom!

Why did you decide to write a memoir? 
It is something that i had considered for a while. I had a lot to say and I honestly felt this was the best platform to do so. There is something raw and honest about writing a memoir. Plus nobody else in the gay wrestling community was doing anything like this. I felt there was a market for this.

If I'm not a fan would I be interested in reading this?
I can't say for sure what you would be interested in. It is a personal story. You don't really have to be a fan of mine to enjoy it. You might better understand somethings but I tried to write it in a way that was still telling a story, so even if you had no idea who I was you could be interested and keep turning the pages with excitement.

Do you only talk about anything else besides wrestling?
Absolutely! While wrestling is a big portion of the story it isn't the whole story. This covers about a decade of my life. That includes other areas of my entertainment career as well as some of the struggles and triumphs in my personal life. Some things that I never talked about before.

Is this just an excuse to trash talk people?
Not at all. There are some people that might feel that way but that is not something that is done in the book. I discuss things candidly and from my point of view. I'm not going out there to destroy someone's reputation. There are sometimes people you don't get along with. Doesn't mean they are a terrible person and that is a point I am sure to make.
  What did you find the easiest and the most difficult about writing this book? 
I don't think there was anything that was easy exactly. Writing about some of the things I was more passionate about or the more interesting moments in my life. Some of those were a lot of fun to relive. The hardest was any time I had writer's block and would sit there for days staring at a blank page with no idea of what I wanted to say next. There were also some pretty heavy things I wrote about and some of the more painful memories, I struggled with. I debated back and forth on if it was worth including that. At the end of the day if I put it in the book I felt it was important enough to be talked about.